Essential Event Management

The year of 2020 brought about an acceleration of digital delivery creating challenges for many in organising effective events. Combining our media and event planning departments we have been developing a ground-breaking online event solution, creating something truly pioneering to service the conference event space.

Through the successful delivery of many events since the re-purposing of our teams’ strengths we are proud to introduce CrowdConnect, our brand-new online events offering. CrowdConnect will be able to deliver experiences across the whole spectrum of online and hybrid events.    

What is CrowdConnect?

CrowdConnect delivers great event experiences streamed into your viewers homes, workplaces and beyond. It is built from two unique offerings that offer a range of online tools to match your needs. Whether it’s an online conference or mass virtual event we have it covered. Both offerings offer the potential for great hybrid events, in the physical space and online simultaneously.

Crowd” is our premium offering for mass online events, it includes all the key-viewer functions of other popular streaming platforms allowing viewers to watch and interact with your event with ease.

Connect” is our virtual conference platform, focussing on the key aspects of networking and complex event schedules made easy to navigate.

CrowdConnect Platform Features 

CrowdConnect has many key features that help to create the full event experience whilst your viewers engage remotely. Both options come with a range of useful tools including exhibition and sponsor opportunities to help you run your event. Some of these common features are:

Live Interaction with event sessions 

One reason why we love going to events, is to socialise with other people who think and feel the same way we do. Through one-to-one networking in the meeting hub, viewers have the opportunity to spark those initial conversations, have a virtual coffee with people they’ve just met and to ask event organisers and speakers their all-important questions. 

Fully Customisable to your brand 

Our CrowdConnect platform isn’t just one size fits all, we can fully customise the page with your branding and house style to give your event the full feel that it’s yours.  

Access full analytics 

See the full impact of your event with easy-to-read graphs and charts. Which session had the most attendance? Which speaker was the most popular? How many viewers are using the platform at any one time? From registration through to post-event, see how your audience engage and take this into consideration when building on future events. 

Spring Harvest Home 21

Abby Guinness, Head of Spring Harvest, explains just how important the CrowdConnect platform will be for Spring Harvest’s event, Spring Harvest Home, this year. 

“We are delighted to be using CrowdConnect to welcome our guests who have engaged with us for over 40 years. We’re excited to see how these excellent online facilities captivate our guests and give them the best and full event experience.”  

Abby Guinness, Head of Spring Harvest

Are you looking to take your event online? Perhaps you’ve done so already and are now looking to take your event plans to the next level. Contact us today and let us help you make your online event a success. 

How did Spring Harvest change its venue-dependent family event into an online success – in less than four weeks?

Spring Harvest Home rocketed the event’s YouTube subscriber base from 1500 to 33,000 in just a few weeks. It racked up over a million views and reached its widest audience in 40 years. But Spring Harvest should have been a multi-site festival until the Covid-19 struck. Essential Event Management were at the heart of the rapid transformation.

Spring Harvest is one of the UK’s leading Christian events. Hosted at Butlin’s Minehead and Skegness resorts plus the Harrogate International Centre, the Easter holiday event attracts up to 20,000 guests annually.

Tent contractors’ trucks were loaded and ready when Spring Harvest decided to pull all the events, just ahead of announcements from Butlin’s that their resorts would close. That was March 19th, three weeks before the Easter weekend in the last few days before lockdown.

Spring Harvest’s leadership and management teams put their heads together and decided to work with partner Essential Event Management to deliver Spring Harvest Home, an online version of the event.

“We knew that speakers, children’s workers, musicians and worship leaders had done their preparations” says Abby Guinness, Spring Harvest’s Head of Programme. “We just needed to get from there to an online event that was coherent, wide-reaching, technically sound and in line with our quality ethos.”

That is where Essential Event Management (EEM) added value.  

They worked together to break down the project into key stages: communicating with over 100 presenters and briefing them on how to create consistent presentations; developing Spring Harvest’s low-key YouTube channel to host over 150 videos; creating fresh branding, motion graphics and rolling out a marketing campaign; plus the immense task of checking, editing and uploading every single video.

Spring Harvest Home ran from Monday to Friday of the week after Easter and contained a mix of premiere items (released at a specific time), live discussions, pre-recorded video and a daily live-streamed evening event hosted by Abby, linking various recorded items.

“The live stream was a rather surreal experience” she comments. “EEM turned our Boardroom into a studio with me up front, one technician at the other end and a social media person tucked away in a corner. It was anything but crowded.”

To avoid the “front room look” for broadcasts from the Boardroom, EEM’s technician used a simple but effective combination of video lights into a large softbox, pixel battens to give movement and a wash of the back drape to separate Abby from the backdrop.

Every individual video was topped and tailed with branded images and the same branding used for lower-third name tagging to ensure consistency. The varied audio peaks were levelled out so that listeners did not need to adjust volume for each new item.

“Spring Harvest acquired more YouTube subscribers than it would have had guests at all its residential events. The top ten videos were each viewed over 20,000 times – far more people than could have been packed into their plenary venues on site” explains EEM’s Luke Martin.

Abby Guinness sums up: “Our virtual guests viewed event videos over a million times. We built the brand and created demand for our 2021 residential event. An international audience saw us like never before; we have clear and detailed analytics on our audience; social media engagement has never been higher; this is all way beyond our expectations. EEM should be proud of what they have helped us to achieve.”

Since that time EEM have gone on to deliver multiple online events for a number of clients, have developed their own online events portal. In preparation for a time where we can meet back together all of our systems now are designed to have the maximum effect for your audience online as well as being ready to sync with a hybrid event. Allowing communities made up of delegates from the digital and physical spaces to be as one.

To hear more about what we have delivered, what we are planning and how we can maximise your online event presence please contact me directly at: or message me via LinkedIn.

We trust you’ve had a great experience being part of the Harvest Pop Up community. Hopefully you have had a chance to engage in all the programme has to offer and engaged in some of the features our platform has to offer.

Essential Event Management work behind the scenes with Spring Harvest and a number of other organisations to deliver event and project management. We have experience in delivering online events and can help you in every aspect. Our services include:

To find out more about our online services and other services Essential Event Management offer click here:

Read here to see how we helped others fulfil their event requirements

If you would like to find out more about how to get your online events started or develop the work you have already achieved, please do get in touch – either by using the contact us form on the website or email me directly

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